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- Share your story - email your stories, videos, poems or art work to us. If your submission is selected to be posted on the website you will win a prize!
- "Out of the Darkness" Walks for suicide prevention. These community walks are held nationwide between September and November every year in partnership with local organizations and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). Funds raised help the AFSP support outreach and education efforts, scientific research and local activities. To find a walk near you, go to
- Get the Word Out
- Volunteer - Being involved in your community is one way that might help you deal with the feelings and emotions you may have about dealing with suicide. Several organizations in North Carolina need volunteer help and are listed below.
- Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
- Radio Stations
- Animal Protection Agencies
- Special Olympics North Carolina
- NC Senior Games
- Senior Living Centers
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- United Way
- The Salvation Army
- Local school organizations